Dec 27, 2005

Christmas and The New Year!

Its the 27th, christmas is over, was a quiet christmas as it normally is, i did not miss my mid-night mass, its a tradition i have followed over the years, i always manage to make it to church on christmas eve, kind of strange for someone who otherwise never manages to go,,,,, New-years eve celebrations start this weekend, but as it was the case last year, i work this year as well, so not much of a new year's eve for me, although i might leave early and might manage to catch up on some drinking on the 31st, of course that is still up in the air, will have to wait and see. Saw a couple of movies over my vacation(yup thats right, "my vacation", i had to take time off before the end of the year, no carry overs as per policy!!!!), syriana and king-kong, liked syriana, would definitely recommend it, as for king-kong, not really my kind of a movie,,,,
Anyway, i am back at work, have to catch up on stuff, read into world-politics, sports,romantic liasons,,,, among other things, until next time! adios!

Nov 18, 2005


Guess i will not be going to Cuba, dont want to make Fidel Castro richer by a few dollars more, as it is he has enough!Here's something i came accross...
Castro, one of the worlds richest rulers
Long live those fighting for the working class! But not the working class itself, forget those hapless paupers. May you reap the rewards of endless revolution in the face of capitalist pigs - and be well remunerated for your struggle.
Fidel CastroPresident, Cuba

Personal Wealth: $550 million
"Cuba's socialist dictator-for-life derives his fortune from a web of state-owned businesses. Among his profit-generating operations: El Palacio de Convenciones, a convention center near Havana; retail conglomerate CIMEX; and Medicuba, which sells vaccines and other pharmaceuticals produced in Cuba. Castro has ruled the impoverished nation of 11 million since his revolutionary army ousted Fulgencio Batista in 1959. Travels exclusively in a convoy of black Mercedes-Benzes. Sold state-owned Havana Club rum to French liquor giant Pernod Ricard for $50 million in 1993. At age 78, Castro continues to rage against the U.S. Last year he banned the use of American dollars as currency in Cuba and imposed a 10% exchange fee for tourists."

But i am getting paler:-) need to change that, hmmm maybe the sahara desert should do the trick!

Nov 15, 2005


Been a while since i updated so i thought i'd drop a line or two, Cabbie, no i am not talking about the retard"Cabbie on the Street"who shows up on much music or the score, but cabbies in general, I have never seen people with such diverse backgrounds as cab drivers, also you have the one's that are super-smart(well they seem to know everything) to the one's who are,,,, well how do i put it, they can drive, something which they were meant to do!. I take a cab everyday so 30 mins of my day(back and forth) is spent talking to cab drivers and i have met a former pilot, an economist and a political analyst so far and struck up some interesting conversations,,,, driving a cab sure must be a well paying job!!!!, the conversations have ranged from subtle racism in canada to the isreal-palestine conflict,,,,interesting,,,,
Anyway enough of my ramblings for the day, in other news, the weekend was ok, have 2 weeks of vacation coming up, thinking of goin somewhere,,,, have not decided yet,maybe cuba, to work up that tan,lol

Oct 27, 2005


Its Halloween this weekend, no! i am not dressing up, never have, never will, but it should be good to see people out on the weekend all dressed up, atleast something that will liven up the town of fredericton!. On to other things, things have been going allright with me, been busy lately because of a new project that has come up, so do not get to do much, but have the weekend off so hopefully it shud be enough for me to recharge my batteries. Women! they make you do crazy things!!!! have been pondering over the case of a good friend, someone who was always in control, now he seems so helpless,so out of tune, its like the girl has total control over his life and he is like a puppy dog!sad but true, i have tried many a time to talk to him about this, cause in my honest opinion a talented life is being wasted in the relentless pursuit of a relationship, and no! i am not generalizing but in most cases or rather most relationships that i have seen this seems to be true, of course there are exceptions, just that i have not come across many!,,,, If you want to waste your life, do it because you want to do it!,drink,party,womanise,lol :-)dont let it flutter away cause of some girl,who wants or rather needs your attention all the time:-)
Cricket News:
ODI series in India, India Vs Sri, India leads the seven match series 1-0
also going on SA vs NZ, SA 1 up.
Was good to see SRT back in form again, maybe 2007 is not a dream after all!!!! until next time!

Oct 18, 2005

My Life as I see it!

Well been a while since i updated the blog so here i am writing,,,,frankly nothing much going on at the moment,,,, the lull of everyday life deprives me of any creative energy i have left, that and the fact that i am in the grips of a deathly flu,,,,no not the avian kind but the one where you sneeze so much that you feel light headed and have a constant runny nose:-),,,, been a week now but i am on the road to recovery. Despite the fact that i had to brave these dreadful conditions i managed to go out over the weekend, both friday and sat, both nights to the phoenix. Nice place i think i have garnered quite a fondness for it, or rather a fondness for rebecca gayheart:-)(will elaborate in my next post),,,, have to be off now, have some rather pressing matters on hand,,, until next time.

Oct 4, 2005

Another Long week!

Another long week ahead, its monday and i am tired already, the weekend was boring, went out friday night, sat and sun stayed home, got drunk watched movies, had some friends over, the usual, going to clubs is depressing, makes me feel how old i am,lol, most of the clubs are filled with enthusiastic, over-zealous 19 and 20 yr olds, oh the golden years of yore! On a side note, i had a crazy dream, that i was in a wedding and it was mine!!!!, is this a sign i wonder,,,, until next time

Sep 29, 2005


The fracas about Chappell leaving or Ganguly leaving has come to a lame end, in the end the review committee met and decided both are to work "with" each other, brings some questions to the fore this so called "truce", if chappell had issues why did he not hand in his papers?? ganguly we always knew wanted to stay so for him it was an "expected" decision,,,, with conspiracy theories going around left and right these days about one and all, makes me think whether all this was staged, to buy ganguly more time, maybe buy the board more time!!!! elections being so close and all!i guess we will never know!Among other things, another boring weekend coming up,,,, will tell you after the weekend if indeed it was boring or whether i had an adventure of a lifetime!

Sep 24, 2005

The Sorry State of Indian Cricket

Over the past few weeks a new drama has been unfolding in the Indian camp, the protagonists being the captain and the coach. Saurav Ganguly the current indian captain has possibly achieved more success than any of his predecessors and Greg Chappell the current indian coach has just taken over the reins and seems determined to instill in the players an approach which is thoroughly professional and demanding. Ganguly sparked off the debate in a public statement and chappell seems to be determined to end it, the aussie counter attacking with his email to the board president (which was leaked out i "wonder" how) and his use of choice words. Both command respect from players and fans alike, but is a clash of egos necessary?? and if so in public?? the main question in the picture is should ganguly be in the team,let alone be captain?, a staunch "NO" from Chappell, and there are players,ex-players,administrators and chunk of the masses that agree and equal amount disagree with chappells views. My take on the issue! Ganguly is not a super-slick fielder,not in prime form nor is he an untiring bowler~ he is a reasonably good captain and is one of the key members that helped form the crux of the present generation of youngsters in the team but are these qualities good enough to keep him in the side!his supporters argue that ganguly has achieved what no other captain has and will continue to do so, but in all honesty i am positive even the die-hard ganguly fans must admit his time has come, the attitude, the arrogance, the flamboyance are all a thing of the past! for people who want him out, they give in a strong argument but should chappell be given such a free reign, its an experiment that if gone wrong could result in disaster for Indian cricket but if it works should take Indian cricket to greater heights,,,, I have to say weighing the pros and cons i have to agree with chappell on this one and hope that if ganguly is sacked and chappell given a free reign then positive things are bound to happen!On a side note, all this is hypothetical, its common knowledge if JD wins the elections SG stays if SP wins SG is history,,,,until next time

Sep 19, 2005

The Weekend!Harvest Jazz and Blues

Its monday morning and i am back at work, well had a good weekend after a long long time, i got drunk both fri and sat nite, something which does not seem to happen too often over the past few years!. Friday was good, but i kinda got tangled in a messy situation, something which i would not venture into again, hopefully:-), anyway, sat was good as well, had a hangover from fri-nite and i just could not sleep and had Karla's party to go to Sat. nite,she is leaving this week for a yr. so it was kind of a good-bye party. Anyway, i was there at like 8:00, most people were already there, then it was sleemans and politics all the way:-). Anyway we decided to go downtown around mid-night, by then i was already quite tipsy, so off to the tap room!, well they would not let us in at the taproom, apparently there was a band playing and it was filled to the brim, so we had to wait till people left, and none of us were really in a waiting mood, so we ventured into the phoenix, first i've been to the place, and to be honest i was impressed!, the ambience was good, it was comfy, not too corwded and there was a good blues band playing, so then i had another couple of beers and we had shots as well and then i was completely drunk:-), and then along came Katie and i think i was hitting on her, well Kyle thought so!,i guess Karla and hugh thought so as well,lol, but it was all in good fun, then i dunno what possesed me and i started talking to the bar-tender, she reminded me of rebecca gayheart and i think all i was blabbering about was how pretty she was etc etc, and then it was the same with Katie again i think,lol, anyway, by the time i got home it was almost morning!slept all day sunday!, caught up on my sleep, and here i am monday morning!my head still hurts though:-(,,,,until next time,,,,

Sep 14, 2005


I think i am turning into an insomniac, i hardly sleep these days esp. if i am drinking!dunno what’s gotten into me, maybe its time for a move,,,,, another city new surroundings, new people, change!, the all important word"change", been too static for my liking, but somehow, i like this quaint, sleepy little town, well whatever destiny brings, i accept!. Other than that, well this week is the harvest jazz and blues, some good music over the weekend and i have the weekend off for a change so hopefully shud be good, wud have been better if a certain someone had come down to visit, been a long time since i have seen some people who have made an impression on my life, and she's one of them. In other news, England retain the ashes after 18 yrs, which was wonderful to watch:-). Also another close friend of mine is getting married, reminds me of how old i am getting and i still have not found the one i am looking for,,,, someday, someday soon, the optimism kicks in,lol

Sep 7, 2005


Ok another night, another post, did not know what else to write about so i thought maybe make up a little blog on creativity, so what exactly is creativity? do i have to be a genius to be creative? i think not, 'Characterized by originality and expressiveness' thats the definition the dictionary puts it at. Originality can be anything, for example, in my morning coffee i add 2 spoons of sugar and 2 spoons of salt, now that sounds original,not that i would actually attempt something of that nature,but then i am sure there are people who do such a thing,,, expressiveness, i think all of us are expressive, we express our emotions in different ways, everyone has his or her own exclusive channel, i have never seen 2 people who are exactly alike, i mean sure there are plenty of people who are similar, share same ideas , are on the same wavelength,are very well compatible etc etc but exactly similar,,,,dont think so, so does that mean that all of us are creative, each in our own way, some by way of silly quirks while others by way of novel ideas which benefit mankind!,,,,

Sep 1, 2005


Saw the movie The Constant Gardner last night, as expected was not a very good adaptation of the John Le Carre book, much like Russia House and Tailor of Panama, but i like movies based on foreign policy issues,,,, anyway the movie was a usual spin-off but it got me thinking about Africa and its relationship with the West. Being from India i understand third-world concerns, well that statement is partly true, i have personally never experienced third-world concerns but have read about it and seen enough living in a big city in India to comment on it. Poverty, illiteracy, lack of basic necessities, most importantly mortality rates,,,, all these being linked together in a vicious cycle which seems never ending. But the point is, compared to countries in Africa(there are of course the arab nations in the north of africa,also south-africa and a few other african nations which are exceptions, when i say "Africa" i mean central,east and parts of west africa) India does not seem to be a third-world nation, true that India has the largest number of people living below the poverty line, i mean we have very very poor people living in India, but i have never heard of deaths due to starvation,,,, a phenomenon which seems to be prevalent in african countries esp. with children. If any natural disaster occurs in India or for that matter some disaster of catastrophic proportions occurs which is as a result of human fallacies, there is aid pouring in from all over , because the West shows it cares and why would they not care, India an economic powerhouse is set to overtake most developed nations in a few years time, we in India have something to offer whereas the African countries have nothing,,, most of them have a vast abundance of mineral wealth but then that is already being mined by the west. This is not to say that people in the West do not care, people care and are doing all they can to help and i admire a lot of canadians, britons and other europeans selflessly working for the african cause, it is the governments that do not care. The Classic example of the African cause is Sudan,a country where children die in the thousands everyday due to malnutrition and genocide is commonplace, what is genocide? for those not familiar with what it is or think they know what it is,read this! will help clear up any misconceptions . I came across an article on Sudan in the new york times which had some pictures accompanying it, and i could not bear to look at the pictures, such is the state,,,, how selfish can i be, or for that matter all of us, all we do is complain about everything, about problems in life, relationship problems,money matters, work issues etc etc the list is endless, but one look at these unfortunate souls and we should realize how lucky we are,but we never will(myself included), momentarily we think about it,feel sad,move on with our lives, always craving for more cause such is human nature, we are never content, we always want more, the one's who conquer this feeling are the people who are truly great and you won't hear their names anywhere or find them living amongst you, cause they are where they are needed most, in countries like Sudan, helping,,,

P.S:- One of those days when i am spewing out a lot of philosophical garbage!

Aug 29, 2005


My favourite cartoon character Tintin, i grew up reading tintin and still read it:-) recommended for all ages.

I think the first picture(Tintin in Tibet, is actually printed in Tibetian, intersting,,,, i could be wrong but looks like the tibetian script)


Its past mid-night on a sunday night and i have an inspiration to write, again! well to my credit i have been keeping this blog up to date which for someone as lazy as a i am is quite the achievement. Another uninspiring day passes by, nothing exciting happening, well i always look for something intersting to happen and when i expect something, the day turns out to be a drag, its when i have least expected that i have had some of the most "exciting"days of my life. I need to find some sort of hobby or maybe a girl-friend or something to keep me occupied, was thinking of taking up some kind of sport but then i decided against it, cause i know i'll play for a couple of days and get bored and then the same thing all over.So that leaves reading,music,movies,keeping this blog up to date,chilling out with friends, the occassional fling or 2 etc etc or finding a sorta permanent girl to spend some quality time with, most of the former stuff i do on a regular basis so i guess it is time to find someone permanent or rather have something permanent in life, but then that raises the question of commitment. "Commitment" a really big word for me,from past experiences most of my previous relationships have gone haywire because of that, well something in me does not want to commit to anything, its like someone is trying to snatch away my freedom,,,, but i have always maintained that if the right girl came along i would not be afraid to commit to a relationship on a long-term basis, that statement is quite a contradiction in itself and sometimes i wonder whether my fear of commitment is what makes me picky when it comes to women,,,, hmm kinda thought-provoking, anyway, i'll continue this talk in a bit, need to get some shut-eye, have work tom, need to get a hair-cut, and go for a movie too tom so i need all the sleep i can get, until next time,,,,

Aug 28, 2005

Classical Dance

Shobhana an amazing dancer, classical dance takes a whole new meaning especially facial expressions, was fortunate enough to have watched her perform live once,,,,

Aug 27, 2005

New Section!

Ok i am super-bored now, so i am starting a new section, one on indian women, i'll have a pic every week of one beautiful indian woman!so here's the first one, well i thought i'd start with the one i like the most, aishwarya rai!


Yours truly absolutely loaded with simone and faisal at the social club

Aug 26, 2005


I am at work, just checked the score, india lost again!!!! it makes me mad to see them lose and they were chasing a low score and once again, the collapse!not taking away anything from Shane Bond, he bowled well but then it was another one of those games we could have won,the problem i feel with the cricketers in india is that they are treated as demi-gods and superstardom gets to their heads, chappel has a tough task on his hands, across the seven-seas, the aussies finally seem to be heading downhill and this english side is prob. one of the best i've seen for a long time, they have the talent and more so they are determined to win, which differentiates champions from the rest of the pack, i see a bright future for english cricket, pity i cannot say the same about india, where the system has to undergo an overhaul before the players start producing results and the players, well they need to drastically change their attitudes or its all down-hill from here on.
Well back to my life, nothing interesting going on, got asked on a date by a 20 something girl, someone i know, imagine me going out with someone who is in their teens or maybe 21-22 i'd die,lol, just not my cuppa tea, so i gave the whole i am too old for you speech, and i got the i am mature enough speech back from her,lol, oh well sometimes i wonder when i will find the right one!
until next time!

Aug 25, 2005


Work can be a drag sometimes, 2 things of note which happened today, one i had to attend a briefing on quality issues!!!! and second i went downtown for a meeting which never happened @#$$%,,,,Quality control, something which every firm big or small stresses on, ISO9000, ITIL etc etc, but then does every employee have to have a mandatory 1-1 on this?? Anyway as is company policy i had to have a 1-1 with the quality control specialist, so enter this joan cusack looking lady armed with a laptop and sweet words and 45 mins of stuff which i dont think will ever affect my life or job!, after all i went to school for 4 yrs and did a paper on quality control in my systems analysis course!!!! and to this day i have not had to reference it!By the end of it i was almost asleep but since it was a 1-1 i had to look her in the eye,smile,hide my yawn!. Then i had a meeting downtown, stuff about the new HP sim they installed and the genifax server, so i am off and the moment i am in the cab,i get a call that the meeting has been cancelled and i am like what the @#$%$, anyway so i decided since i had the time might as well have a nice lunch before i got back to work, see the thing with me is that i am very indecisive and that ruins things for me a lotta times, so i decided, maybe go to mexis, so i started walking in that direction, suddenly it hit me why not try the carribean restaurant, so i started in the opposite direction, and then i thought nah mexis is cool,anyway wasted 20 mins walking back and forth and finally ended up at macdonalds eating a burger and fries!!!!sometimes i wonder!
Anyway thats it for now,till next time!
Ashes on in full flow:-), finally good cricket after so long!, and we have our first game against nz tom, so 2 matches goin on, interesting!

Aug 23, 2005

Short Critique

A Fine Balance- by Rohinton Mistry
Mistry manages to maintain a fine balance of his own. He blends bad luck with a dash of hope, egging us on - only to dash our expectations with a new set of conflicts and troubles. There is always a silver lining for his characters. He creates something that is Dickensian in its sympathy for the poor while combining it with a celebration of the indomitable spirit of human desire and hope as well as the despair of unfulfilled dreams. A great piece of fiction, if one is able to identify with the characters, on the downside somewhat vague with empty spaces in a lot of areas .
I get the feel mistry did a better job with Such a Long Journey, but overall a good read.

My next read: Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood by Marjane Satrapi

Aug 22, 2005

Cute Little Clones!

Five of the eight kittens fathered by a cloned African wildcat rest on a blanket Friday, Aug. 19, 2005, at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in Algiers, La. The mothers of the kittens are two clones of another wildcat. According to scientists at the centre, it's the first time that clones of two wild species, or any cats, have reproduced naturally. (AP Photo/The Times-Picayune, Ted Jackson)

Rolling Stones!

2 weeks and the rolling stones are in moncton, i am speculating whether i should go or not, considering that i do have a cpl of free tickets that have been offered graciously by my good friend aidan, who's has to go up to toronto for that weekend for a family emergency, personally i am not a big mick jagger fan but then ,,,,might not get to watch the old fella play live again, well i'll wait till the weekend and decide!Hmm lets see what else is goin on rite now in my life,,,, frankly not much, i am at work, had a mostly sober weekend with people around me getting drunk so it was kinda cool, the funny thing is that when u are not drunk yourself you get to appreciate the antics carried out by drunk people around you and have a good laugh:-). We had a bunch of people over at the house for the weekend, patricia,mr.z,sundeep,bertie and patricia's friend from work jocelyn, so friday nite it was sweetwaters time, been prob a yr or more since i went to that place, nothing's changed, not that i expected anything to,,, was alright though considering sundeep was drunk and was trying to make an impression on jocelyn but i think she fancies bertie,and hopefully they will have a thing goin soon,lol, sat. nite was karlas party, was ok but for the fact that most people esp. the girls seem to have a prob with dogs,lol and casey, katies dog is huge, but i wonder how someone could be afraid of the poor thing afterall he is super friendly, oh well anyway, we ended up at sweetwaters anyway, second nite in a row for me and i could not handle that, one night in maybe 2 months i can handle sweets but not 2 nites in a row!!!!, anyway that was the weekend wrap!, and sunday was disappointing cause chelsea beat arsenal, and i thought this was a yr for my teams!!!!,,,, until next time!
My current read: A fine balance by rohinton mistry, will try to write a critique when i finish,lol

Aug 14, 2005


Its a sunday nite and here i am writing again, been a while so i thought i'd update this blog that i have, anyway this week or rather the past two weeks have been kinda sad cause i had a couple of friends leave and well one of them i do know i will miss for a long time to come,,,, but thats how life goes and maybe in future we may run into each other again but thats for fate to decide, as it is i am not much of an optimist when it comes to these matters. But friendship is something which is really held together by a gentle thread and pull it too much and it breaks, and the thread mind you is extremely sensitive, with one of my friends who left this week, it started out as a friendship and i came to know her extremely well, maybe a little too well for i thought after a point that maybe this is not just friendship but something a notch higher, maybe she echoed the same feelings maybe not, something i could not determine for sure till the day she left,,,, but as is always she had to be someone who was already taken(story of my life), anyway heres hoping she has a great future ahead and as the sands of time blow away who knows what awaits!,,,,(i am not short on these cheesy one liners but most times i do mean it) on a lighter note, i went partying the past weekend and it was good, kind of a road-trip if u wanna call it that!, got drunk and actually hit the floor,lol, somedays i dunno what gets into me, wonder if its the alcohol or me just wanting to break loose,,,, till next time!

Jul 30, 2005

Ethnic Food!

News!!!! Indian restaurant opens in town, its called Chez-Riz, sounds french more than Indian but i guess, the owner thought he could identify better with the local population having a french name, after all who knows about India or Indian food in this white-collared,university/government town, actually its an Indo-Pak restaurant, owner being a pakistani i presume,,,, Anyway big thing for a small town, i decide to check it out on the first day, went to lunch with Tim, who is on his way to Harvard, i am sure he will find a lot more variety gastronomically in Boston compared to Fredericton. The decor is stereo-typical, waitresses are all caucasian, but the one thing that identifies any indian restaurant is the Indian behind the counter or at the cash,and the cook they have someone who is Indian with a Chef's hat on even if he/she cannot cook for nuts! back home they have food stalls which say Chinese Food the trademark being each stall will have one oriental looking guy, behind the counter with a Chefs hat on.Anyway back to the restaurant,they only had the buffet, no beverages other than coke/sprite either, their excuse was since it was the first day nothing was setup!!!!! duh why open then!, 6 dishes in all, the chicken was horrible, just coloured red and put a name tag on, which said Tandoori, the veggie dishes, trademark indian chick preas, were actually good which was the only bright spot of the visit!, on a scale of 1 to 10 i would give it a 4, well then again i am not a critic so there you go!!!!infact funny thing comes to mind, i am far from a food critic, i went to this Greek restaurant yesterday and had Italian food,pasta/chicken parmagina,,,,,, it was horrible,but then what was i thinking, Italian in a speciality greek restaurant!!!!!sometimes i wonder!! until next time!

Jul 19, 2005

Smoking Kills!

Cigarettes, smoke,, a clouded room sounds like a scene straight from a gangster movie maybe a 70's or an early 80's one, back then smoking was considered to be Cool with a capital "C", well maybe even today some people find it cool, but the truth of the matter is smoking Kills, thats with a capital "K", cigarette companies in Canada are being forced to put graphic pictures on every pack , some depict lungs, totally f@@@ up some,little kids with captions like "Dont poison us", are these actually working?, why do people smoke, i have had people give me reasons from, "cigs are a stress reliever man" to,"oh once in a while, when i am drinking, there's the urge to puff on something", and i have talked to people who are living with one foot in the grave to young kids who hang out, outside supermakrets, always on the look out for smokers who they can bum a cig off, these look like the same kids on the cig packs, the ones that say "dont poison us", apparently to them its Kool thats with a "K".Statistically speaking, smoking does cause a number of deaths, if not from the Tar or all the CO that is inhaled, then from starvation, the price of cigarettes are going up by the day and smokers rather would starve to death than give up smoking, as it is smoking kills your appetite, which is why diet conscious young women take up smoking, after all the have to maintain that figure!!!!!. Well altelast people in western countries are realising the fact that the cigarette does have some side effects, like maybe death!! but in many countries its a part of life, like this one example that comes to mind immediately, i was travelling with a good friend of mine, and we landed at this airport in a middle-eastern country and since neither of us spoke arabic and there were no signs in english for a smoking lounge and my good friend was desperately craving a cig we decided to ask a friendly security guard, but then he had no idea what we were talking about, so my friend pulls out a cig and imitates the puffiing action, and then the man lights up and he is like,ooo cigggaretttte, and we are like ya ya, so next thing he does is pull one out of his pocket and lights its up and starts smoking and goes, good cig, marlboro the best!!!! we get the point!,
Anyway, that was long blog, will write again later, time to go out for a smoke!!!!!

Jul 18, 2005

Too Cold@@

Too cold in here, the ac is just killing me!!!! i go out for a smoke its nice and warm out here, the security guard is like, you must be used to this weather, i am like,,,,, what theF@@@ people and their assumptions, granted i have an accent, more pronounced when i am drinking, and i am brown, but hey!!!! oh well, its like saying all canadians live in igloos,,,, back to my music, sinnerman by nina simone!!!!

The Week gone by!

Its like 3:00 am again and i have some kind of inspiration to write, i dont know what it is with me and writing in the middle of the night, sometimes i wonder,,,, anyway coming back to " the week gone by", the week started of with work as usual, thats been hectic for me so far, work, wonder when the infrastructure refresh is going to be complete so i can have some respite, other than that i got into this searing argument with kyle over the medicare system in canada, the advantages and disadvantages and the political situation in india, why somethings never change, sometimes i wonder about how people have this crazy notion that they can change the system, i mean sure its worth a try but then has anyone succeeded so far,,,, god i sound like this eternal pessimist now, anyway back to my week, wednesday was invited for dinner with karla and kyle, dinner was good, Karla being a vegeterian the food was veggie,,,,obviously duh!!!! sometimes i wonder about myself@@@@ anyway, salad,lasagna, cake, was good and then obviously stimulating conversation as usual,thursday did not do much, friday!, started of me waking up in the afternoon, patty was over with the kids, thierry had a soccer game, anyway she was at the house till 8:30, she is all excited going to visit mr. z in bathurst next week, sometimes i wonder how the world works, i mean they are a good couple but what lies in future for them!!!! oh well who knows, wish them all the best!, then at 9:30 i am excited!!!! been drinking since 6:30 so kinda buzzed as well i might add, miss jane!!!comes over to the house, god its been like 2 yrs or so, give or take a few since i last saw her , and well!! she has not changed one bit, cute as ever, all that sharp wit!, i still like her a lot@@@@ again sometimes i dunno how i think, but well thats the truth!anyway it was an evening reminiscent of happier times a few years back!!!!! hope i get to see her again before she leaves!!!!, anyway i just could not sleep all night so off to blockbuster and i got this movie In My Country, for all those people out there who want a tear-jerker i guarantee this movie is goin to do it!, well over all not a bad movie, mostly about south africa and apartheid , anyway sat, work, sun! work!!! waiting for the coming weekend! phew that was long, well so long, will update again!!!!!! soon

Jul 10, 2005

The Blues!

Its 5:55 am, i am at work, an hour to go and i am home, been reading quite a bit thesedays, mostly poems , dunno whats gotten into me,,,, the blues maybe!creativity looms all around thesedays,,, i am looking for answers, everything i do seems to confuse me more,,,now i am not making any sense anymore,,,, right now i dont think its the blues,,,,its more the sleep derprived me talking,,,until next time!