Aug 29, 2005


Its past mid-night on a sunday night and i have an inspiration to write, again! well to my credit i have been keeping this blog up to date which for someone as lazy as a i am is quite the achievement. Another uninspiring day passes by, nothing exciting happening, well i always look for something intersting to happen and when i expect something, the day turns out to be a drag, its when i have least expected that i have had some of the most "exciting"days of my life. I need to find some sort of hobby or maybe a girl-friend or something to keep me occupied, was thinking of taking up some kind of sport but then i decided against it, cause i know i'll play for a couple of days and get bored and then the same thing all over.So that leaves reading,music,movies,keeping this blog up to date,chilling out with friends, the occassional fling or 2 etc etc or finding a sorta permanent girl to spend some quality time with, most of the former stuff i do on a regular basis so i guess it is time to find someone permanent or rather have something permanent in life, but then that raises the question of commitment. "Commitment" a really big word for me,from past experiences most of my previous relationships have gone haywire because of that, well something in me does not want to commit to anything, its like someone is trying to snatch away my freedom,,,, but i have always maintained that if the right girl came along i would not be afraid to commit to a relationship on a long-term basis, that statement is quite a contradiction in itself and sometimes i wonder whether my fear of commitment is what makes me picky when it comes to women,,,, hmm kinda thought-provoking, anyway, i'll continue this talk in a bit, need to get some shut-eye, have work tom, need to get a hair-cut, and go for a movie too tom so i need all the sleep i can get, until next time,,,,

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