Aug 20, 2011

On a train....

And on my Ipad again!,i am on my way back from toronto, that is probably the shortest trip i have made, i think? hmmm, anyway it was all last moment, i had made up my mind not to go,then decided i'll take a half-day and go, needed a change of scenery, however the main reason that i was going for(poker game) never happened.... which sucked and to top it off we lost this morning(i wonder if this will be the worst season for us in a long long time!)
So a rather disappointing trip you could say except i got hit by another curveball, life keeps throwing these curveballs at me and this one was completely unexpected, so the game being cancelled we decided to head out for dinner and drinks and i ran into someone i had not seen in hmmm well lets c, since 99 so 12 years and then it was nostalgia time, she has not changed at all....interesting how we never kept in touch and after all these years bang out of nowhere,she being an old lady friend who i used to go out with in my younger days, a 6 yr marriage/divorce later she is still the same....all wit and charm,and still looking like she did back in university, but i guess as a lawyer u would need that now wouldnt you, anyway it was good to catch up and maybe we will keep in touch this time,,,, well maybe, lets c!
Anyway, will go out tonight again in kingston, should be home in time for a drink or 2 late at night :-)

Aug 18, 2011

And thats that....

I feel relieved,a little sad and at the same time happy tonight. I feel relieved because i did not have to go through the unpleasant feeling of breaking up, a little sad cause that comes with the territory and a little happy that i made another good friend.
So my lady friend and I decided to call it quits on the relationship front,i was meaning to say something but knowing me i would have sent an email and it would have been the wrong thing to do, but i am glad she had the same feelings as i did, there were too many differences and too many things which bothered both of us,,,,
But there was no bitterness, no anger, it was great and i am glad i have a good friend :-), its always good to end a relationship on a mutual terms!
Ok back to my daily life, work has been hectic and i hate politics at work, but hey i guess each and everyone of us has to go through it, nothing new there, looking forward to the game on saturday though, chances of us winning? minimal, well lets c!

Aug 17, 2011

A Open Letter...

Dear Arsene,

I took time off work, on a busy day to watch us play Udinese and i was not too impressed with what i saw. I saw a shaky side which has been reduced to a bare minimum and full of talented but extremely inexperienced youngsters.There was no creativity at all and if this is what is to be expected in the coming season i am well and truly disappointed.
I know you have come for criticism from a number of quarters both in the media and among fans.The intent of this letter is not to level any criticism at either you or the club but rather explain the frustration of an Arsenal Fan thousands of miles away who only wants to see the club win.
We as fans lead regular lives which are filled with our own personal frustrations and sport is way for us to escape, when our team wins it gives us joy, we forget the number of problems that beseige us in our day to day lives and live the moment.As any true fan would tell you, not everything can be won, but we must try to win everything and being the club we are, with the history we have, expectations are set very very high.
Over the last few years we have always failed to deliver when there was a need to do so, we choked, you may call it inexperience? i call it lack of experience? the same are they not, the meaning might be but the context is not, we choked because of a lack of experience and the inexperienced were blamed for that.
I implore you to get some experienced players in, someone who has the skill and also the leadership qualities we need,pay top dollar if you need to, please do not haggle over the price, i know, easy for me to say, without having any insight into what kind of financial strain the club might be under or what financial goals are set for the club.
You say you are ready to splash the cash on the right player/players? but they never seem to come around, why is that? is the lure of the Arsenal Football club fading? it very well might be, we might not even be in the champions league qualifiers next year with the kind of competition that exists in the EPL.
I read a statement where you said and i quote "We focus on the players we have and we believe we have enough strength. I saw all the games over the weekend and I don't see why we should be suddenly afraid of anybody in England."
I beg to disagree with you Arsene, with the players we have we do not have enough strength? our bench is the weakest it has been in years? asking young talented players to win the premiership is just too much.
You also went on to say that our current defensive pairing does not lack quality and i do agree with you there but what happens if the unforseen happens again and one of them gets injured? do we have capable back ups, i think not!
You may say we were unlucky on several fronts last year, i say luck is created and we did not do enough to create our luck!
I hope you get some players in before the end of the Transfer Window and i hope we win something this season.
I still say In Arsene I Trust, but that thought is fading fast and the picture of you as a great coach is being replaced by that of a great financial analyst who makes money for the club, and i for one would like to have the great coach back,

A Frustrated Gooner

Aug 15, 2011

Long day....

And very tiring as well, just got home about half and hour ago, work, then a drink with friends and some interesting conversations later i am a tired human being,
Also to all my Indian friends out there "Happy Independence Day"! it was on the 15th of this month in 1947 that we became a free country!

I penned a few lines today after a long time, an amateurish attempt at poetry, here goes,,,,
The sky lit up in orange,
The birds chirping, the sun setting,
Memories of a day gone by,
Lucid at times, hazy as the darkness sets in,
The darkness puts a cloak over it all,
Has it been a good day or a bad one
As i await the sun again,and let it happen all over,,,,
To wonder will it be a good day or a bad one....

Aug 14, 2011

The weekend....

Was very nice, it was actually peaceful and thanks to the company i had :-) very enjoyable, so there was some confusion mainly on my part regarding the status quo of my relationship with my lady friend but thankfully it has been sorted out and her coming for the weekend made it very very nice indeed.
She has a beautiful smile and its good to see her face all lit up when she is excited :-), today was the best day of all minus the fact that she had to leave,we took the ferry, went to the island, went to an art gallery and it felt nice,,,,i was never a country boy, growing up in a really big city and then moving to a smaller(very much smaller) town but still there was no peace and quiet and i miss that, and today i got to have some of it, albeit very little but was worth it,

In other news the season began yesterday, we drew with newcastle but it was marred by some ugly incidents thanks to Messrs's joey barton and company, although i must say i was not too impressed with what song did as well, anyway gervinho got sent off, we were down to 10 men and thankfully we finished with a point!
Also just read that its official Cesc is no longer an arsenal player, i am sure the nasri announcement will come next!,
What bothered me about the game though is the fact that we did not have the inclination nor it seemed the talent to carve open the opposition, and that i think is a serious issue, we need some creativity in our mid-field, and i hope we have some before the end of the season!on the bright side, defensively we looked solid, which is an oxy-moron of sorts, us defensively strong and slow attacking!
Anyway a tough week ahead, udinese in cl qualifier and then liverpool at home!
Also on a cricketing note i am disgusted with Team India, too depressing to even watch anything and this was the team which was ranked 1 in tests, i wonder why this sudden collapse? conspiracy theories anyone? maybe something like chemtrails:-)(inside joke)