Sep 7, 2005


Ok another night, another post, did not know what else to write about so i thought maybe make up a little blog on creativity, so what exactly is creativity? do i have to be a genius to be creative? i think not, 'Characterized by originality and expressiveness' thats the definition the dictionary puts it at. Originality can be anything, for example, in my morning coffee i add 2 spoons of sugar and 2 spoons of salt, now that sounds original,not that i would actually attempt something of that nature,but then i am sure there are people who do such a thing,,, expressiveness, i think all of us are expressive, we express our emotions in different ways, everyone has his or her own exclusive channel, i have never seen 2 people who are exactly alike, i mean sure there are plenty of people who are similar, share same ideas , are on the same wavelength,are very well compatible etc etc but exactly similar,,,,dont think so, so does that mean that all of us are creative, each in our own way, some by way of silly quirks while others by way of novel ideas which benefit mankind!,,,,

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