Dec 8, 2010

December Blues!

Its December, time to reflect on the year, look at upcoming possibilities etc. etc. etc.
The year started of alright, was busy with work, things were good on the relationship front, everything was motoring along, mid-year everything changed, the only constant being i was still busy with work, end of the year nothing much has changed from mid-year.
I have been involved in a lot of activities on the social front lately,in a effort to live my life, now that i am single and my life essentially revolves around me. I met a few interesting people already, some have very rigid views on life in general some very relaxed views, either ways like i always say, to each his own, at the end of the day we are all good people? aren't we? good with a dash of bad?
So i met this girl who has kind of become a friend of sorts now,very nice, compassionate and caring person,we went out a couple of times and i guess it was mutual that we would be friends, i was not attracted to her from a love/lover perspective,but we decided to be friends,another friend in my life is always welcome:-)
Now here comes the twist, we did spend a bit of time after the first 2 dates together,and i think she is starting to grow on me? now i don't know if my feelings have changed or its just a friendship bond which is seemingly becoming stronger?
I cannot seem to read her either, i think her feelings towards me have not changed? but then i see hints of maybe they have, well i guess that can be attributed to the innate amounts of alcohol consumption that happens when we get together, either ways i am in the land of the confused and hopefully the picture will start to clear up!

Sometimes they say good friendships lead to something more.... i guess we will have to wait and see!