Aug 25, 2005


Work can be a drag sometimes, 2 things of note which happened today, one i had to attend a briefing on quality issues!!!! and second i went downtown for a meeting which never happened @#$$%,,,,Quality control, something which every firm big or small stresses on, ISO9000, ITIL etc etc, but then does every employee have to have a mandatory 1-1 on this?? Anyway as is company policy i had to have a 1-1 with the quality control specialist, so enter this joan cusack looking lady armed with a laptop and sweet words and 45 mins of stuff which i dont think will ever affect my life or job!, after all i went to school for 4 yrs and did a paper on quality control in my systems analysis course!!!! and to this day i have not had to reference it!By the end of it i was almost asleep but since it was a 1-1 i had to look her in the eye,smile,hide my yawn!. Then i had a meeting downtown, stuff about the new HP sim they installed and the genifax server, so i am off and the moment i am in the cab,i get a call that the meeting has been cancelled and i am like what the @#$%$, anyway so i decided since i had the time might as well have a nice lunch before i got back to work, see the thing with me is that i am very indecisive and that ruins things for me a lotta times, so i decided, maybe go to mexis, so i started walking in that direction, suddenly it hit me why not try the carribean restaurant, so i started in the opposite direction, and then i thought nah mexis is cool,anyway wasted 20 mins walking back and forth and finally ended up at macdonalds eating a burger and fries!!!!sometimes i wonder!
Anyway thats it for now,till next time!
Ashes on in full flow:-), finally good cricket after so long!, and we have our first game against nz tom, so 2 matches goin on, interesting!

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