Jan 9, 2013


So i did not respond and i think its over for good now and i am so glad, in fact i am in high spirits, i do not think i have ever blogged about this particular woman, maybe i should? oh well some day when i have some time i guess!

Other than that, i am kind of impressed with myself, i was feeling a little insecure and down but all that changed, someone extremely attractive wants to go on a date? insecurity you go out the window, the solitary date might amount to nothing but it did give me the boost i badly needed :)

Jan 8, 2013

round 1 to me....

So she called and left a message, i chose to ignore it :),,,, although now i feel bad about it!
Should i repsond?

Jan 6, 2013

Second post

Of the new year! i don't know when i will get some time to post again so i thought might as well write another blog post! not that anyone cares or reads my blog but like i have said on numerous occassions this is my diary of sorts:) and i like keeping it.

So my previous post of the day was written when i was frustrated, angry, sad etc. all at the same time, but i am glad i got that out of my system, did not take long :), wow come to think of it, i got out of getting into another messy complicated relationship with someone who i don't think i can ever trust! and i think the feeling is mutual, i dont think she trusts me as well and fair play to her, she has her life, i have mine, hopefully i can press the ignore button on my phone when i get a message, though usually its me who messages, you know how i am, have a few drinks and i get all emotional and shit!

I have always known that she was twisted very twisted in fact, but somehow i was always attracted to her, still sort of am i guess, not that she is the super hot babe that i crave for?? do i really, no i do not:), just an average looking woman , and the last i saw her, she had actually gained a few, a few rolls here and there, not too appealing i must say, but there is something about her.... oh well that is history now and i am glad, but come to think of it, makes me wonder, she was excellent at playing the victim, always has been... i wonder if there is any truth to what she had told me so far, i think there must be? maybe like 35%, 65% being a fabrication of her imagination!

Ok now that i have vented some more, i think its time to hit the sack, get to see my neighbour tomorrow after a few days, should be fun! she is so bubbly and full of life and so very innocent, i usually end up smiling just thinking about it:) a good girl something i cannot say about a lot of other women out there, if you get my drift!

Till next time, adios!


So happy new year to everyone out there, my new year as usual was busy, with work that is!!
So here i am on a sunday afternoon with emotions running wild, feeling the urge to express myself, as i have written before, writing makes me feel a lot better, its good to write things down get them out of your system!!

So rule number 1, never trust people who you know have a history of not being trustworthy, i don't know myself sometimes, why do i fall for someone who i know is going to end up hurting me? luckily i found out soon enough, what happened in the past should remain in the past, someone people are just not worth the time or the effort, i know there is someone better out there for me and i know that person will fill my life with joy and happiness,

So today i have decided to call it quits on a friendship/relationship with someone i have known for quite sometime, it had never been a concrete relationship of sorts anyway, it was all a guessing game i guess and i guessed wrong i think, as i sit here writing this i feel a tinge inside, something inside me feels hurt, unknowingly i had started to like someone again, how could i make the same mistake over? do i never learn? i need to buck up, pull my socks up and live life, like i said some people are just not worth it....