Sep 7, 2011


Very quiet indeed, that is how my week is going, sometimes i miss the excitement, sometimes i do not, i guess each is a trade off, been listening to music, a new tune has caught my attention, a very catchy tune, a mix of spanish and hindi.
Kind of a sad life when the most in terms of excitement is looking forward to the game on saturday with getting drunk with a really good friend on friday coming in a distant second,,,, still searching for that elusive one, maybe i will find her this weekend,maybe not,,,, but hope lingers!

Enjoy the song!

Sep 5, 2011

A Reality Check...

Is what i need, the weekend flew by, not too much excitement, i had to finish some work, so that took up a chunk of my time, i did win at poker though which was a welcome change!!
So back to the reality check, i am in a very somber mood as i write this, it can be attributed for the most part on my lonely existence, i need to find someone to share my life with, someone i can truly love, i know it takes me a while to fall in love but i am sure there is someone out there who is a perfect match, just that i am tired of waiting around, waddling in relationships that do not amount to much,,,, makes me think sometimes? is it me? or is it just bad luck? well there is no such as luck is there :-) so it must be me,
Who can put the smile back on my face? i wonder?