Sep 1, 2011


A Spanish song i really enjoy, the translation is listed below the video

A word does not say anything
And at the same time it hides everything
Just as the wind that hides the water
Like the flowers that mud hides.

A glance does not say anything
And at the same time it says everything
Like rain on your face
Or an old treasure map

A truth does not say anything
And at the same time it hides everything
Like a bonfire that does not go out
Like a stone that is born dust.

If one day you need me, I will be nothing
And at the same time I will be everything
Because in your eyes are my wings
And the shore where I drown,
Because in your eyes are my wings
And the shore where I drown

Aug 31, 2011


Is something we all go through, i have been thinking about my own lately and some questions pop up immediately, have i become too cold? emotionless? or is this a phase? Over the years i have had a lot of experiences, some extremely sad some happy and some bitter-sweet, these have moulded me into who i am today and who i am is a reflection of what i have seen and been through in life, but is there a need for change? i think so, sometimes experiences turn us into people we really are not, we seek a comfort zone and having found that we do not see the need to move out of it no matter how stagnant it has become, i need to move out of mine and i think i will! Also another thought that perplexes the mind is the faces that have come into my life, friends,girl-friends, acquaintances alike, have i made an impression on their lives? i don't know because i never asked, but i hope in some way i have brought some positivity into their daily lives, take my lady friend for example a very talented girl, but holding herself back? i hope in someway i have encouraged her to let loose and take on the world,naturally gifted people are few and far between,,,, Also there was another reason i decided to call this post "Transformation" Today was the transfer deadline, it was crazy, it was hectic and i am proud to say we worked very very hard now the squad looks somewhat like the squad in the adams,viera era with the right mix of youth and experience, New Signings: Park: Captain of the Korean National team, plenty of experience Mertesacker: 75 caps for Germany, Captain of Werder Santos:22 Caps for Brazil Yossi: Captain of the Israeli national team Arteta: Automatically becomes with the post premiership experience in the team, Fantastic, a perfect foil for wilshere,ramsey,alexode,miyaichi to learn from and grow Total Spending: 51.4 million pounds A reasonable amount spent on transfers, love it!!

Aug 30, 2011

A strange feeling....

I cannot explain what has come over me, beyond words, but thesedays everything has been quiet, there is a strange calmness in the air, i wonder what it is? i am not saying i do not like it, in fact its quite the opposite, i am in my element and this has not happened in a long long time, there is a lot of optimism in the air for some odd reason, strange.... cannot think of a better word..
So back to happenings in and around me, aside from the strange calmness which has come over me, things are moving along as they should, on a personal front, a couple of really interesting conversations,
1. me: so everything ok?
her: i don't know, not sure about anything anymore,,,,
me:are you happy?
her:i guess so....
me:time for kids?or rather a kid?
her:no decided to wait, need time to adjust, too many rules....
me:so you are not happy then
her: Silence
her: I miss you
me: Silence Hey long time, how are you
her(not the same as no.1): good and you, how are you are your girl?
me:which girl?
me: Oh that ended a year ago, she is married now
her:Sorry baby
me: Its ok,i am fine
her:I miss you
me: I miss you too
her:Sorry to be off the radar for such a long time
me:no worries, figured you were busy with your life
her:my feelings were overwhelming, did not know what to do with them,,,,not an excuse,,,,
me:no worries, my feelings for you have not changed,,,,somethings never do
her:Yes, somethings never change

Sums up my personal life i guess,
also on a more passionate note, i was harsh on arsene and i think it was more an emotional thing, i am passionate about the club and arsene is the face of the club, but after thinking long and hard i have come to the conclusion that Arsene is still the right man for the job,,,,
Come on you gunners!!

Aug 28, 2011


That was the scorline, when we played united today,

Wenger has to go.... period.

I am frustrated,this is going to be a terrible week, i don't know what excuses he will come up with now, but this is terrible just terrible, i am thinking avoiding relegation this year.

Wenger, gaziwhateverthefuckdis and whoever else runs this football club need to go, we need a complete overhaul, players and management alike!