Apr 17, 2006

My Avatar!

Doodle Bug!

Of late i have been struck by the doodle bug, all i do is doodle aimlessly, wonder why? a waste of paper i tell ya, i have been going through a weird phase in life right now, life does not seem to be meaningful anymore, a purposeless, dull existence, striving to make money, to enjoy life, with no sense of purpose. I have been thinking(hmm that’s a change, i think these days)about the fact that how does my existence matter, what have i done or rather what should i do that gives some purpose to my life, makes it more meaningful. The answer to the first part, i have not done anything so far in life which makes a difference, the second part what should i do? a number of options come to mind, but after giving it quite a lengthy thought i have decided, that social work or some sort of development work with an NGO especially in Africa would do the trick and i would be able to feel a sense of accomplishment. I chose Africa, because i think for most people on other continents, Africa exists only as the land of wildlife safaris, exotic game, extreme heat and decorative pieces which can be bought at the local "cultural" store. I discussed my dilemma and the apparent solution with some of my friends and most of them think it’s a pretty stupid idea, something which i would never be able to do. They presented some valid,some invalid points to justify their views, valid points being is it financially feasible for me (its not like i am a millionaire) to work dirt cheap(a little less than what i make now:-)), will i be able to quit my present lifestyle,which i must say i have been accustomed to for a while now, the invalid points being, one person cannot make a difference, what about marriage, kids, the whole shebang. So the debate rages on,till i find a solution!
P:S:- I finished reading the suketu mehta book,picked up "shantaram"(coming out as a johnny depp movie in '07) another book which is related to bombay,somehow i seem fixated with bombay thesedays!