Sep 23, 2011

The Facebook Generation....

Is what it is and i seem to be lost or rather too old :-), i live in the land of blogs and the alarm clock :-)
Blogging seemed to be the "in-thing" a few years back and now it seems to be a thing of the distant past, the first question that you get these days when you meet new people is "Are you on Facebook" and God forbid, if you say NO, then all Hell breaks loose, now i do have a facebook account that i check regularly(like once a day or so) but its usually reserved for messages, birthday wishes etc. etc., my life does not revolve around
facebook and i would not want it to either, but that seems to be the trend and i have been told to get with the program!!hm mm Facebook = My Life! NOT :-)
So back to my week, has been a little hectic, although not too bad,i went out for drinks with some friends on a weekday and i realised that 24-25 yr olds live in a different generation all together, met someone from work who i thought was extremely shy(that's how she comes across at work), but a few drinks and she opened right up:-), i guess its interesting to talk to people who are stuck at cultural cross-roads, she is cute, from BC, though ethnically from the sub-continent, been in Canada since an early age but i guess is caught between 2 cultural identities, should i be a young Canadian(culturally) or should i be a young Desi(again culturally), i guess time will tell!The buddy i went with wanted us to hook-up but 24? and me 33? interesting thought, but i doubt it!