Aug 26, 2006

4:30 am

Its saturday morning, its 4:30 am and here i am blogging,being an insomniac has its advantages i guess, you get to type away in the middle of the night or at the break of dawn,gee how wonderful:-). Anyway not that i can afford to go back to bed, i have to be at work in a cpl of hrs,another saturday at work!.No news as such on my front, life drags on as usual, except i was happy to hear that a very good friend of mine is getting married,all of a sudden out of the blue,well i hope he enjoys stepping into marital bliss and has a happy life ahead. Among other things,cricket in the last few weeks is being played outside the ground rather than on it, the game being more political than physical. The major players, pakistan, icc, ecb and umpire darrell hair, the ecb effectively bowed out so now its a triangular series between the other three,pakistan started off on a weak note, but seem to be gaining momentum and hair the opposite, the icc's performance has been mediocre so far but lets see if they come out with a googly, would be interesting to see who wins the tampering challenge, and takes home the trophy!
Well i guess, i better get ready for work, until next time!