Dec 30, 2011

50th Post..

So to make it an even 50 for the year i have decided to post once more, 50 looks better than 49 for the year!
Well since we are a day away from saying goodbye to the old year and ushering in the new one i think it calls for a recap of 2011 and the significant changes that happened in my life!
The year started of with me being in Montreal and finding out that my long term ex is engaged, was a shock of sorts but then i got over it, then came the promotion at work which i must say was not as unexpected, the Sales-force launch followed and i made a trip to New Brunswick in Feb which was a welcome change as i got to connect with people i had missed and stopped keeping in touch with.
The birthday month was hectic as March usually is and project work took over, nothing of note other than work for the next few months and finally come June 1 we were ready for implementation, i still remember that day because i was in at work at 7:00 am and left the next morning at 5:00 am.
I took a break which i desperately needed and left for New Brunswick which was good, come Canada day and i had visitors! including a young lady who i grew fond of, we kept in touch and then i planned another trip to New Brunswick with her which was great, i loved the feeling of being all mushy and cute :-), we were on and off for a few weeks and then decided to call it quits, it was good while it lasted and from time to time i do miss being mushy and cute! and i think i got to see a side of the young lady which normally not a lot of people do and i must admit i liked it!
A few more busy weeks and it was Christmas time, which has been described in my previous post, so well that was my year!
As for tomorrow night, i have no idea where i might be but hopefully it will be fun and i do hope the new year brings everyone what they wished for!
Oh and i forgot to add, i have completed 25 pages of my book, another 175 and i can say it is complete!

Dec 28, 2011

One more....

So before the year is over, i thought i would post one more time! mostly because i do not feel like doing anything particularly exciting today from a work perspective, i still feel a little 'car-lagged' from the trip out east, it is a long long drive, not that i was driving but none the less!
So i got back last night from my trip out east and it was a good one!, saw a lot of people, spent Christmas time with some loved ones and then got to see some old friends in Fredericton. So we drove up on the 23rd of December  with a little detour in Montreal to pick up my lady friend(the one i had written about a few months back), and then onwards it was to Aroostook New Brunswick, the drive was good for the most part except the last hour or so when driving conditions became a little challenging and my buddy who was driving in those conditions for the first time found it a little challenging but he did an admirable job(a very safe driver indeed)
Christmas Eve was spent mostly lounging around, opening presents etc and then there was a big turkey dinner on the 25th. 26th we drove down to fredericton and i had called up a few of my good buddies from moncton and halifax who actually drove down to freddy, so it was really good to see them!, dinner at the dip, then drinks, a trip to 20/20(in my defence it was the only place open), more drinks, made for a really enjoyable time!
So the gist of it is that it was a good trip, although i did sense that my lady friend, was a little awkward at times, maybe it was just me!, but i think she should always keep smiling as it looks good on her, some people are meant to smile always!, oh and i saw kim after so many years in freddy!! and it was great catching up!!!!

Conclusion: I miss the old days! and i miss living in Freddy!!!!!!!!!