Oct 18, 2005

My Life as I see it!

Well been a while since i updated the blog so here i am writing,,,,frankly nothing much going on at the moment,,,, the lull of everyday life deprives me of any creative energy i have left, that and the fact that i am in the grips of a deathly flu,,,,no not the avian kind but the one where you sneeze so much that you feel light headed and have a constant runny nose:-),,,, been a week now but i am on the road to recovery. Despite the fact that i had to brave these dreadful conditions i managed to go out over the weekend, both friday and sat, both nights to the phoenix. Nice place i think i have garnered quite a fondness for it, or rather a fondness for rebecca gayheart:-)(will elaborate in my next post),,,, have to be off now, have some rather pressing matters on hand,,, until next time.

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