Aug 27, 2005

New Section!

Ok i am super-bored now, so i am starting a new section, one on indian women, i'll have a pic every week of one beautiful indian woman!so here's the first one, well i thought i'd start with the one i like the most, aishwarya rai!


Yours truly absolutely loaded with simone and faisal at the social club

Aug 26, 2005


I am at work, just checked the score, india lost again!!!! it makes me mad to see them lose and they were chasing a low score and once again, the collapse!not taking away anything from Shane Bond, he bowled well but then it was another one of those games we could have won,the problem i feel with the cricketers in india is that they are treated as demi-gods and superstardom gets to their heads, chappel has a tough task on his hands, across the seven-seas, the aussies finally seem to be heading downhill and this english side is prob. one of the best i've seen for a long time, they have the talent and more so they are determined to win, which differentiates champions from the rest of the pack, i see a bright future for english cricket, pity i cannot say the same about india, where the system has to undergo an overhaul before the players start producing results and the players, well they need to drastically change their attitudes or its all down-hill from here on.
Well back to my life, nothing interesting going on, got asked on a date by a 20 something girl, someone i know, imagine me going out with someone who is in their teens or maybe 21-22 i'd die,lol, just not my cuppa tea, so i gave the whole i am too old for you speech, and i got the i am mature enough speech back from her,lol, oh well sometimes i wonder when i will find the right one!
until next time!

Aug 25, 2005


Work can be a drag sometimes, 2 things of note which happened today, one i had to attend a briefing on quality issues!!!! and second i went downtown for a meeting which never happened @#$$%,,,,Quality control, something which every firm big or small stresses on, ISO9000, ITIL etc etc, but then does every employee have to have a mandatory 1-1 on this?? Anyway as is company policy i had to have a 1-1 with the quality control specialist, so enter this joan cusack looking lady armed with a laptop and sweet words and 45 mins of stuff which i dont think will ever affect my life or job!, after all i went to school for 4 yrs and did a paper on quality control in my systems analysis course!!!! and to this day i have not had to reference it!By the end of it i was almost asleep but since it was a 1-1 i had to look her in the eye,smile,hide my yawn!. Then i had a meeting downtown, stuff about the new HP sim they installed and the genifax server, so i am off and the moment i am in the cab,i get a call that the meeting has been cancelled and i am like what the @#$%$, anyway so i decided since i had the time might as well have a nice lunch before i got back to work, see the thing with me is that i am very indecisive and that ruins things for me a lotta times, so i decided, maybe go to mexis, so i started walking in that direction, suddenly it hit me why not try the carribean restaurant, so i started in the opposite direction, and then i thought nah mexis is cool,anyway wasted 20 mins walking back and forth and finally ended up at macdonalds eating a burger and fries!!!!sometimes i wonder!
Anyway thats it for now,till next time!
Ashes on in full flow:-), finally good cricket after so long!, and we have our first game against nz tom, so 2 matches goin on, interesting!

Aug 23, 2005

Short Critique

A Fine Balance- by Rohinton Mistry
Mistry manages to maintain a fine balance of his own. He blends bad luck with a dash of hope, egging us on - only to dash our expectations with a new set of conflicts and troubles. There is always a silver lining for his characters. He creates something that is Dickensian in its sympathy for the poor while combining it with a celebration of the indomitable spirit of human desire and hope as well as the despair of unfulfilled dreams. A great piece of fiction, if one is able to identify with the characters, on the downside somewhat vague with empty spaces in a lot of areas .
I get the feel mistry did a better job with Such a Long Journey, but overall a good read.

My next read: Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood by Marjane Satrapi

Aug 22, 2005

Cute Little Clones!

Five of the eight kittens fathered by a cloned African wildcat rest on a blanket Friday, Aug. 19, 2005, at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in Algiers, La. The mothers of the kittens are two clones of another wildcat. According to scientists at the centre, it's the first time that clones of two wild species, or any cats, have reproduced naturally. (AP Photo/The Times-Picayune, Ted Jackson)

Rolling Stones!

2 weeks and the rolling stones are in moncton, i am speculating whether i should go or not, considering that i do have a cpl of free tickets that have been offered graciously by my good friend aidan, who's has to go up to toronto for that weekend for a family emergency, personally i am not a big mick jagger fan but then ,,,,might not get to watch the old fella play live again, well i'll wait till the weekend and decide!Hmm lets see what else is goin on rite now in my life,,,, frankly not much, i am at work, had a mostly sober weekend with people around me getting drunk so it was kinda cool, the funny thing is that when u are not drunk yourself you get to appreciate the antics carried out by drunk people around you and have a good laugh:-). We had a bunch of people over at the house for the weekend, patricia,mr.z,sundeep,bertie and patricia's friend from work jocelyn, so friday nite it was sweetwaters time, been prob a yr or more since i went to that place, nothing's changed, not that i expected anything to,,, was alright though considering sundeep was drunk and was trying to make an impression on jocelyn but i think she fancies bertie,and hopefully they will have a thing goin soon,lol, sat. nite was karlas party, was ok but for the fact that most people esp. the girls seem to have a prob with dogs,lol and casey, katies dog is huge, but i wonder how someone could be afraid of the poor thing afterall he is super friendly, oh well anyway, we ended up at sweetwaters anyway, second nite in a row for me and i could not handle that, one night in maybe 2 months i can handle sweets but not 2 nites in a row!!!!, anyway that was the weekend wrap!, and sunday was disappointing cause chelsea beat arsenal, and i thought this was a yr for my teams!!!!,,,, until next time!
My current read: A fine balance by rohinton mistry, will try to write a critique when i finish,lol