Jun 24, 2012

Long time, no postings....

I have not posted in a while and there have been a number of reasons why? to start of, work has been extremely busy, have had to learn the ins and outs of a new system and get proficient in it, all in the span of a month or so! that being said i could have still taken the time to post something, but the heat and humidity are taking its toll and i do not have air conditioning so it makes things all the more un-bearable!
So other than work what is happening in my life? well frankly nothing much although i did get promoted at work and my move to Toronto was ok'd so come September i will be working out of the t.o office, which will be a welcome change, i needed a change, i am sure a change of scenery will only do me some good!

Hopefully with the change of scenery comes someone special into my drab life :), one can always hope!!