Mar 2, 2006

The Chappell Interview- My Take!

Recently India's " 'prodigal as some may call him'--- after the ganguly affair:-)" cricket coach Greg Chappell was in the news again. I think its on chappell's agenda to propagate some kind of controversy before the start of every series, which in a way takes the heat off issues on hand such as cricket:-). Here's interesting bits and pieces from the latest one in the Guardian.

On Ganguly:

For a while, the Ganguly issue - the captaincy passed to Rahul Dravid after it all came to a head during the tour of Zimbabwe - became all consuming. For the good of all, Chappell is keen to move it on from it now. Some years back, Ganguly had come to him for coaching. "I helped him with his batting then," said Chappell, "so maybe he thought I would be his mate and support him now. Certainly there is no way I would have got the job here without his influence. I'm sure he thought he would be able to run me as he did John in the latter part of his time as coach. But we clashed because his needs as a struggling player and captain and those of the team were different.
(I had mentioned earlier in one of my posts that chappell owes ganguly his post,it was common knowledge that most of the other members of the team wanted Moody, now this world is just not fair is it:-)
"I'm not the hard-nosed control freak that I have been portrayed. I'm thorough, a realist, a pragmatist and I'm honest. Much has been written and said, a lot of it misleading, but in essence I told Sourav that if he wanted to save his career he should consider giving up the captaincy. He was just hanging in there. Modest innings were draining him. He had no energy to give to the team, which was helping neither him nor us. It was in his own interest to give himself mind space to work on his batting so that it could be resurrected. He was not prepared to do that. What I didn't realize at that stage was how utterly important to his life and finances being captain was.
(Honest, dunno,i guess we'll know when some of the other members of the team not embroiled in controversy retire in like 10 yrs, as to how honest chappell really was)

"The controversy will carry on but I have learned if I can't be totally impervious to it then it is beyond my control. I have to let it wash by and say 'people have their reasons for saying what they do and I can't be distracted by that' and do what I believe in. At the end of my time, whenever that might be, the team and therefore I will be judged ultimately on the results we achieve, not whether I have been able to convince this or that member of the media that what we are doing is in the best interests of Indian cricket."
(You got that right Greg, i don’t care, if you create an entirely new team filled with "galli-mohalla" cricketers, i want us to win, i am the average indian cricket fan.)
Well, the latest news is that the BCCI has issued an official warning with Saurav complaining about the interview, but i am sure Pawar and Co. must be having a nice laugh over glasses of whisky:-), after all Jaggu had his time and his Black Labels now its time for the other party to party:-)

Bottom-line, my take on the whole issue, i don’t care, ganguly or no ganguly , chappell or no chappell,i want the team to win and winning is certainly a habit they seem to have picked up playing under chappell!

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