Mar 16, 2006

Birthday Blues!

2 more days and I’ll be all of 28, God that sounds old! and depressing, but then on the flip side, I am still only 28 and have so much to achieve ,young ,vibrant, full of energy, now that sounds so much better:-). Now in 28 yrs what have I accomplished, hmm not a whole lot, a univ. degree, a few yrs of work experience, but then everyone has that these days, but the major accomplishment as i see it is my transformation from a spoilt rotten brat who got everything he wanted to a sober somewhat mature individual. Everything comes at a price though, i learnt that the hard way, lost the one person dearest to me and it made me realize so much, that itself was a transformation in itself, from blaming God to realizing that death is part of life, took a while but i did learn the realities of life.
Now for the future, what would i like to do?, well there are a lot of things that i really want to do but don't know if i ever will get a chance to do them, because of time, money or other such materialistic concerns, one example being, tour Africa and do something which actually matters in one of the war-torn countries,,,, maybe someday, as always i am optimistic!, another thing i would like to do, is fall in love, have a relationship with someone and make it last, now the Africa thing might even happen but falling in love seems like an utopian dream:-),the right girl, perfect compatibility? Does she even exist ;-),lol, who knows!

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