Mar 2, 2006

Regional Jingoism?

In my spare time(of which i have plenty, on days off:-))i try to read through blogs concerning India, humorous blogs, serious blogs,the lot. Of late reading the popular blogs, one thing has certainly come to the fore, regional jingoism, we as Indians are very protective of which part of the country we come from, our "identity" as many may call it,i mean living abroad when u are asked about your ethnicity, the reply comes "i am from India”, to most westerners synonymous with "Apu", who has gained immense popularity thanks to the Simpson’s .So for the westerners we are Indians, but gather a bunch of Indians together and in no time you will see groups formed which represent different parts of the country, of course i am not trying to generalize here as there are numerous exceptions to this, and personally living in Bombay (Mumbai)for a good part of my life i have never experienced such regionalistic fervor among my close friends but have seen enough to know that it exists and is rampant. Now about how i feel, i can equate this regional crap, as well as religious crap(that’s worse) with some kind of terminal disease and for something which has not had a cure ,I don’t know if it ever will. So why do I vent about it? i just happened to chance across a blog, by some fellow who calls himself the greatbong and thinks that all of india has anti-bengal sentiments, and he does so by equating the case of saurav ganguly to anti-bengali sentiments in india???? and he's apparently a very popular blogger? it boggles my imagination to see that him writing such crap(he does have a flair for writing it though, i do admit that)brings about so much popular reaction, i mean you have the bengalis going, yay we have a voice, the southies going screw you, bengal sucks southies are the best,the north indians saying, screw all of you we are the best and the maharashtrians going " amcha mulga sachin tendulkar" that says it all!!!!!
Seriously ever wonder why even though we are growing economically, will be a superpower soon, we shall always lag!

On a side note( as usual i like to end things with a side note), India managed to win the ODI series in pakistan 4-1 and are playing england in the first test!also another chappell controversy!!!!!(i'll post the juicy details soon)

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