Mar 29, 2006


Saw capote last night, it was a good movie, whether Philip Seymour Hoffman deserved an Oscar for the performance,that's a good question, i am not going to bother debating on the issue, as i do not have a great deal of respect for the Oscar’s, its all hype,,,,nothing more, of course i am not saying that PSH did a bad job as capote, he was excellent by all accounts, i just do not feel an Oscar can judge an actor's calibre, and hopefully PSH and other good actors feel the same way!, unlike Mr.Gladiator:-). Anyway back to the movie, before i watched the movie, i had heard about Truman Capote, knew him to be an author of repute who died because of addiction problems; i had never read any of his works or watched any movies for which he had written the screenplay. So leading up to the movie, i decided to get a copy of "In Cold Blood", give it a read and then watch the movie, now the book was excellent, what impressed me most was the attention to detail, and capote's ability to paint a clear picture which is imprinted in the reader's mind, the other thing i found interesting in his style of writing was his ability to keep the reader occupied throughout, constantly playing with choice words used. Reading the book one gets an idea of the kind of person Truman capote was, someone who was meticulous got all the facts right and generally an honest individual. The movie however paints an entirely different picture, capote and honest are something which are contrasting opposites of each other, it was as if he controlled the entire plot leading up to the book, like it was a pre-written script and he was merely executing it.
Will elaborate more in my next post, have to get some work done right now, oh also i am all of 28 now

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