Apr 8, 2006

Maximum City!

I suffer from ADD, hence I am not going to elaborate on my movie review of Capote, its been a week and I am past Capote. I find that the most creative time of my day is just before i fall asleep, there I am lying in bed trying to sleep, twisting and turning with my mind wandering from pillar to post, thinking of what I have accomplished or what i can accomplish, these thoughts range from me writing a book to my failed love interests and how things would have been different if circumstances were different, the mistakes i made and the mistakes i vow not to make in future, of course come early morning none of this matters, the thoughts are gone, i am in the present, trying to live my day. I am reading a book i picked up last week called Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found by suketu mehta, the author supposedly penned the book wandering the streets of Bombay interacting with vividly colorful people who make up Bombay, the city I grew up in. How much is fact, how much is fiction is beyond my knowledge but I like what I have read so far, Bombay a city with almost 18 million people ,filthy, polluted, I am loss for words describing how degrading the city is, yet its a city like none other, I love bombay for all it is, no one starves to death, the city provides everyone with some form of comfort, the gap between the rich and poor is humongous but its a stark reality which will never change, yet rich and poor all alike love the city! aamchi mumbai!, for those not familiar with the city, give this book a read, its not a tourist guide which paints a rosy picture, in fact many of you would probably never want to visit such a city, after reading the book, but then again life is full of pleasant surprises and let Bombay surprise you!

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