Jan 6, 2013

Second post

Of the new year! i don't know when i will get some time to post again so i thought might as well write another blog post! not that anyone cares or reads my blog but like i have said on numerous occassions this is my diary of sorts:) and i like keeping it.

So my previous post of the day was written when i was frustrated, angry, sad etc. all at the same time, but i am glad i got that out of my system, did not take long :), wow come to think of it, i got out of getting into another messy complicated relationship with someone who i don't think i can ever trust! and i think the feeling is mutual, i dont think she trusts me as well and fair play to her, she has her life, i have mine, hopefully i can press the ignore button on my phone when i get a message, though usually its me who messages, you know how i am, have a few drinks and i get all emotional and shit!

I have always known that she was twisted very twisted in fact, but somehow i was always attracted to her, still sort of am i guess, not that she is the super hot babe that i crave for?? do i really, no i do not:), just an average looking woman , and the last i saw her, she had actually gained a few, a few rolls here and there, not too appealing i must say, but there is something about her.... oh well that is history now and i am glad, but come to think of it, makes me wonder, she was excellent at playing the victim, always has been... i wonder if there is any truth to what she had told me so far, i think there must be? maybe like 35%, 65% being a fabrication of her imagination!

Ok now that i have vented some more, i think its time to hit the sack, get to see my neighbour tomorrow after a few days, should be fun! she is so bubbly and full of life and so very innocent, i usually end up smiling just thinking about it:) a good girl something i cannot say about a lot of other women out there, if you get my drift!

Till next time, adios!

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