Oct 8, 2012

One week,,,,

So i completed a week in Toronto, so far so good i guess, other than the longish commute i do not have any major regrets about the move,,,, so far anyway, but like i had mentioned before, i do kind of like the commute, especially taking public transit, you get to see weird and unusual things, well weird and unusual people mainly, also you get to see many different faces each with a story of its own, to interpret the story would be a full time job in itself.

As for the office itself, everyone has made me feel extremely welcome, i wanted to be in the downtown office ideally, but i think this office is just fine, met some old friends and made some new one's, my neighbour is a very bubbly Indian girl, reminds me of someone i was once very close to, its a joy talking to her, always has a smile on her face, well lets see if a story begins or ....

Oreo is adjusting well to the new place as well, although he is still a little bit reluctant to come out when someone comes to visit, i think in due course he will get over that as well, there are a lot of cats in the neighbourhood many of them outdoor cats and i do have a backyard now, so i decided to take him outside, but he came running right back in, i guess he is and will always be an indoor cat :), anyway till next time!

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