Mar 7, 2012

March again....

Time flies does it not? i can still remember it being summer and the sun shining, all the excitement it brought and here we are again, so close to summer again....
March is the month i get a year older, nothing much has changed though, i am still in the same spot i was a year ago, single/alone, looking for someone to share my life with, accomplished quite a bit on the work front but it has been failures on the personal front, but then again i am an eternal optimist and i believe there will be someone special who comes into my life, i always have believed that, i associate every girl who comes in to be the "special one" ( not like jose :-)) but so far special has turned out to be ordinary and i am still looking!
Being alone does get to you at times though, i mean single life has its perks too i guess, you get to "socialize" if i may put it eloquently but i being the die hard romantic, need more, i need to find a spark, just hold hands with someone and have her in my arms as we watch a movie together,,,, you know little things like that, that is what i miss the most..

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