Mar 31, 2012

Another month gone....

So march is gone in a few more hours, i am a year older, the only excitement in the birthday month coming in the form of watching the gunners win, it has been a hectic month, spent mostly travelling!
As i write this blog post i am a little depressed i think, don't know why but the "living alone" part maybe finally getting to me, i am tired of one night stands and relationships which fizzle out before they start, and to top it all i went back to the past searching, maybe even hoping that there might still be something left, but as it turns out the past is the past and that is the reality i have to live with....
So many faces have passed through my life, yet none seem to stick, i have a picture maybe an elusive shadowy one, blurred but yet it remains in my mind of who i think might be the one to complete my life.... maybe just maybe it will be a reality someday, there is hope but that is dwindling fast and i am sinking deeper and deeper into the cold heartless quicksand that is life....

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