Aug 22, 2011

Spare a Thought....

For Jack Layton, the NDP leader who passed away, the NDP was the closest party to what my ideology stands for and i thought jack was a very charismatic leader, somone who definitely would have carried the NDP a long way, RIP Jack Layton....
Back to my day, i got home early today, and to be honest had a very boring day, i am still trying to figure out something at work and it bothers me that i am not coming up with right answer, i know i will.... maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after
But more importantly i have something on my mind that is bothering me!, why do i manage to screw up relationships? i try to be as nice as possible but somethings i need to work on harder,i compare people in my head and when something does not seem right instead of working on it my brain shuts down and i am not interested anymore and it shows in more than one facet of the relationship, obviously the other person is annoyed and rightly so!I guess its baby steps time, one thing at a time, take each person for who they are and move on from there, every individual has good qualities and bad and no two people can ever be the same, i need to nail that in.... otherwise there will more problems in relationships that lie ahead!
One good thing that has happened in the recent past though is that i am blogging more, i find that this is a good channel for me to write how i feel about things and writing is very soothing.... and for this i will be thankful to my lady friend for it is she who inspired me to blog more!

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