Aug 9, 2011


So the problem i was working on, i solved it this morning!! and boy did it feel good!! so it turned out to be a very constructive morning:-),also got my Performance Review which was Exceeds Expectations, which is kind of good, but then where do i want to go from here? that's a question that remains to be answered, in interviews one standard question they usually ask is " Where do you see yourself 5 years from now" and the de facto response is Growing with this company and moving up, but then what if the company is the not the one you want to be with or the city not the one you want to live in then what? well we'll find out i guess!!

Also on another note, had an interesting conversation with my lady friend, boy do i manage to freak people out or what! getting all mushed up and jumping the gun by blurting out things:-), anyway there is a disclaimer i put up at the end of this blog a while back which said my postings depend on the mood i am in and of late it has been a good one and so i jump overboard with the mushiness, the gist of the matter being that i write about the feeling in the moment usually and i try to be overly for the lack of a better word mushy and it does not in anyway shape or sense signify what i feel on a long term basis! the long term stuff comes with "love" usually attached and last time(the only time) it came after a while, good or bad i do not know!

I like communication and open-ness and i am glad she mentioned it :-), on another note my friend is back from england and am glad he was not there with everything that is going on!

Cheerio! till next time

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