Jul 4, 2011

The looonnng Weekend....

And it was just that, a very long weekend, but it was a very good weekend, tiring i must admit,i played host to 6 people and i would like to believe that for the most part i was a good host.

Canada Day was spent in ottawa, it was nice, the hustle and bustle and my company had a great time which was good to see,although i must admit, i was worn out by the time we got back home and since we went to bed real late did not get much sleep.

The next day was spent for the most part sight-seeing around town and i played the tour guide, i guess it is something that comes naturally to me, i talk a lot and if i ever decide to move away from the the Information Technology field that is what i intend to become, a "Tour Guide"! Again not much sleep though,
Also i did finally get to have breakfast with some good friends who are leaving and moving out west,its always a tinge sad when friends leave....

But i made a very special friend over the weekend, a young lady who i met for the first time and was very very impressed indeed:-), maybe we will get to spend time again soon, i enjoyed her company,, and i think it was a mutual feeling,well atleast i hope it was, until next time!

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