Jun 21, 2011

Ipad and more....

So I am using an iPad to post this?do I like it ? Of course I do I must admit though that it will take a little getting used to,but for the most part it's handy,let's me surf the web,check my mail,stay connected, ok,now for a little truth, unfortunately I do not own it,,,, i am testing it out for work,but the more I use it the more I am inclined to buy one,,,, let's c hopefully my next post will be written using my own IPad :-)
On to other things,so she got married, how do I feel about it,, well I did not feel anything to be honest which is good, means that I am finally over her,phew and I thought I would never be over that whole phase, but now when I look back I am glad we did not end up together, I believe in unconditional love and she believed in love with a lot of clauses inter-twined, well I hope she is happy,and wish her well but like they say karma is a bitch:-), a hint of bitterness?hmmm u decide,,

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