Mar 27, 2009


This is my second post for this month:-), i am on fire!!!!!:-)
But i am listening to good music finally, after such a long time and felt the need to write, so here i am jotting down my thoughts:-)
People: That's my topic for today
There are very few people in this world maybe a couple that i am personally acquainted with that are simple and straightforward. Most of us are complicated creatures, we are caught in a vicious emotional cycle which never seems to end.I would categorise people into three groups:
1. The simple and the straightforward(very few of these)
2. The emotional and stupid(most of us fall into this category)
3. The emotional but very calculated!
This is not to say that the simple and straightforward people are not emotional, they are but like they are so are their emotions, very straightforward!. They make the best life-partners, friends and parents.
For the emotional and stupid people life is like a roller-coaster everyday, there are new ups and downs each day, there is no stability in life. They are impulsive and act according to what the heart tells them to do! How stupid is that!!!!!, i shud know:-(. Again this is not say that they do not make good life-partners, parents or friends, they certainly do but there is drama each day!
The Emotional and calculated people live only for themselves, what happens to others is not their concern, they are emotional but only when it involves them and they are very calculated in their emotions.This could be a defense mechanism for not getting hurt unlike the other two, but what they do not realise is that in the process of guarding their own emotional well being they hurt others!!!!
Anyway, i don't even know if any of this makes any sense at all, i have been charting different tangents these days, guess my mid-life crisis has started:-)
I guess i am trying to move from category 2 to Category 1, "Again" but simple is not not simple after all:-)!!!!
As Yeats wrote:
You, that have not lived in thought but deed,
Can have the purity of a natural force,
But I, whose virtues are the definitions
Of the analytic mind, can neither close
The eye of the mind nor keep my tongue from speech
And yet, because my heart leaped at her words,
I was abashed, and now they come to mind
After nine years, I sink my head abashed.

Mar 25, 2009

Another Day Another Dollar!

I am a yr older, 31 to be precise!
How does it feel to be 31 i was asked,
My Reply: Not so good!
Meandering away my life, no accomplishments so to speak of( going to university and getting a job do not count)
When i say accomplishments, i mean something out of the ordinary, something which i can feel good about.I know i am no Mother Theresa but i can try to do something good, something which helps my fellow human beings!
There are too many people suffering and too few who really care!
I wish i lived in the ideal world where everyone had at least the basic necessities in life and where the phrase " Another day another dollar" was not literal!

Feb 4, 2009

Slumdog - The million dollar question?

I had high expectations, friends i spoke to said they would gladly see the movie again. I was excited, eager to see the movie causing so much hype,"Great Expectations" to say the least. So i finally got to see the movie last night. Would i see it again? Probably not. Did i think the hype was justified? No it was not.Its not a bad movie, its a fairy tale movie set in the slums of mumbai and if i maybe so presumptuous to say worth watching. It shows the ugly side of India, the one beneath all the growth and economic prosperity. It was a reminder of the things that i had seen first-hand,taking the harbour-line to and fro from vashi to chembur during my junior college days. I was exposed to slum life, the sights, sounds and smells albeit from behind the window of a moving train. Then why would i not see it again? I have seen movies i really enjoyed numerous times and would see them again in a heart beat, but then i did not truly enjoy the movie. I have seen indian films based on similar or maybe parallel story lines that i have enjoyed more. The sad thing is that since these movies are not made by a danny boyle, financed by fox searchlight or made in English they are unheard of. They do win awards at international film festivals, but that is the extent of it, the irony being they do not even do well in india and on the flip-side a film like slumdog because of all the hype generated will probably do much better!
So the million dollar question is:
Why is Slumdog Millionaire doing so well?
A: Its Media Hype
B: Its Luck
C: Its Danny Boyle
D: Its all of the above

I say "D" and that is my final answer!

Jan 29, 2009

Life motors on

I have not been posting like i once used to, not expressing my thoughts as i would like to anymore. Part of it has to do with the fact that i am busy and after a long day at work, the motivation to post is not there anymore. Part of it however is also because i find myself lost thesedays, not able to express myself,being less of an extrovert as each day passes by. I think most of this has to do with me being in a new city for over a year now and not being able to establish a good circle of friends like i had before i moved here. I yearn to hangout with familiar faces, talk about stuff we like over a beer and just have fun, no strings attached!
I need to find the old me, because i certainly do not like the new me!
Anyway here are some updates:
Movies i saw in the recent past: Grand Torino, RocknRolla, The Express
Books read: Re-engineering the corporation
Activities: Poker(lost almost every hand i played:-()
However one thing that keeps my spirits up is spending a few minutes each day playing with my cat(oreo)
He never ceases to amaze me and each day he does something new or something stupid which just brings a smile on my face!
anyway, not much else to write, i will try to keep the blog more current and will defintely try to have more fun!!!!