Mar 27, 2009


This is my second post for this month:-), i am on fire!!!!!:-)
But i am listening to good music finally, after such a long time and felt the need to write, so here i am jotting down my thoughts:-)
People: That's my topic for today
There are very few people in this world maybe a couple that i am personally acquainted with that are simple and straightforward. Most of us are complicated creatures, we are caught in a vicious emotional cycle which never seems to end.I would categorise people into three groups:
1. The simple and the straightforward(very few of these)
2. The emotional and stupid(most of us fall into this category)
3. The emotional but very calculated!
This is not to say that the simple and straightforward people are not emotional, they are but like they are so are their emotions, very straightforward!. They make the best life-partners, friends and parents.
For the emotional and stupid people life is like a roller-coaster everyday, there are new ups and downs each day, there is no stability in life. They are impulsive and act according to what the heart tells them to do! How stupid is that!!!!!, i shud know:-(. Again this is not say that they do not make good life-partners, parents or friends, they certainly do but there is drama each day!
The Emotional and calculated people live only for themselves, what happens to others is not their concern, they are emotional but only when it involves them and they are very calculated in their emotions.This could be a defense mechanism for not getting hurt unlike the other two, but what they do not realise is that in the process of guarding their own emotional well being they hurt others!!!!
Anyway, i don't even know if any of this makes any sense at all, i have been charting different tangents these days, guess my mid-life crisis has started:-)
I guess i am trying to move from category 2 to Category 1, "Again" but simple is not not simple after all:-)!!!!
As Yeats wrote:
You, that have not lived in thought but deed,
Can have the purity of a natural force,
But I, whose virtues are the definitions
Of the analytic mind, can neither close
The eye of the mind nor keep my tongue from speech
And yet, because my heart leaped at her words,
I was abashed, and now they come to mind
After nine years, I sink my head abashed.

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