May 6, 2007


In my previous post i had questioned the existence of a perfect soul-mate and for a non believer like me believing in something takes time and effort,but then if she is perfect and my soul-mate it should not take any effort and hardly any time,,,, i think i have found her and no she is not a figment of my imagination, she is real, flesh and blood! until next time!

Apr 10, 2007


Has been a crazy few weeks for me, well since i last posted something anyway, life is moving at breakneck speed and to be honest i am tired of it all. I was in a relationship of sorts which lasted for 3 weeks, my shortest relationship to date. It was not casual dating which is why i call it a relationship because marriage was definitely not out of the question, it was with a girl i have known for over 5 yrs and we did go out before for a year, but then she was an ex, and ex's are ex's for a reason, which i did not take into account. I was skeptical initially about how serious i wanted this relationship to be but the moment i got drawn in, it ended, weird how life plays its silly little games. The funny thing is, I felt like it was all a long vacation, normally it takes me longer to get over things, but i was over this in exactly one day, guess my feelings for her were not that strong after all,,,, we still are friends which i guess is a good thing and i am off exploring new avenues, which matter of factly speaking seems to be working out quite well in the one week or so that i have been single:-), till next time!

Mar 20, 2007


I am a yr older, 29 does not feel so good! Have a few grey hairs already and that number seems to be going up by the day! In other news the world cup kick started with quite a few surprises, India lost their first game to Bangladesh making it very difficult for them to qualify for the super 8 phase, it comes down to net run rate, if we beat the lankans and i hate the whole net run rate game!
Pakistan on the other hand exited unceremoniously losing to Ireland (yes i did write Ireland), don’t have much to say except i still do not believe that they actually lost!, also on a tragic note Pakistani coach Bob Woolmer passed away,,,, the wc certainly has sprung a lot of surprises in a short period of time and from my point of view none of them any good!

Feb 14, 2007

Shaun Tait Fast Over (160km/h included)

Another Fast Bowling Phenom from down under!

Feb 11, 2007


The contents of this blog largely depend on my numerous mood swings and it does not represent a long term view, so if i am in a good mood, good posts,bad mood,bad posts and so on and so forth:-).

Feb 6, 2007


If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron
Writing is a struggle against silence. ~Carlos Fuentes
These are quotes that have come to mind so often in the past month or so that i had to write, for i feel keeping this blog and writing helps me keep my sanity in this largely insane world.
Since christmas things have been hectic in my life, so many faces that i had thought had disappeared forever popped back in and it seemed like they were around all the time.But alas,faces never remain the same, they change,time changes everyone, some change for the better some for the worse, but better or worse is not for me to say, as they say afterall beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.I noticed a lot of things though, not really astute observations or anything just ordinary day to day stuff and it never ceases to amaze me how selfish the world is and it changes people,it moulds them in such a way that they become as selfish as the world itself.I am being moulded into such a being as well, thinking only about myself, i have experienced people being self-centered a lot in the past few months,so much so that i dread to see myself being transformed into that,,,, so here i am lost, looking for someone or something to pull me out of the mire i am sinking into,a perfect soulmate as some might say, if there exists such a thing!