Apr 10, 2007


Has been a crazy few weeks for me, well since i last posted something anyway, life is moving at breakneck speed and to be honest i am tired of it all. I was in a relationship of sorts which lasted for 3 weeks, my shortest relationship to date. It was not casual dating which is why i call it a relationship because marriage was definitely not out of the question, it was with a girl i have known for over 5 yrs and we did go out before for a year, but then she was an ex, and ex's are ex's for a reason, which i did not take into account. I was skeptical initially about how serious i wanted this relationship to be but the moment i got drawn in, it ended, weird how life plays its silly little games. The funny thing is, I felt like it was all a long vacation, normally it takes me longer to get over things, but i was over this in exactly one day, guess my feelings for her were not that strong after all,,,, we still are friends which i guess is a good thing and i am off exploring new avenues, which matter of factly speaking seems to be working out quite well in the one week or so that i have been single:-), till next time!

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