Oct 17, 2006

Small town life...!!

Its been 10 yrs for me in the land of snow and beavers (no pun intended):-)....Canada that is, to be more precise, its been 10 yrs for me in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Bet you have never heard of it, unless of course you are an erudite geographer. I did live in other cities because of job requirements but on the longest span of time spent in one city list, Fredericton comes in second for me after Bombay aka Mumbai where I spent my first 18 yrs. Coming from a city of 16 million or so to a town of 50,000 was a big change, I mean even villages in India have more people and here we have a capital city with 50,000 people out of which almost 10,000 are university students, so essentially i should say 40,000.Initially I thought it would be hard to adjust, not so much culturally but more so on the thought of adjusting to life in a place with more trees than people:-).But as time went by I think not only have i adjusted, but I don’t think i would be able to live in a big city anymore. Here are some of the advantages/disadvantages of small town life. Let’s start with the negatives (also i am being specific to Fredericton here, not trying to generalize; other small towns may have a distinctly different flavour to them)
1. Not a lot of 24 hr joints esp. eateries(we have 2 in town, for those who fancy a drink, most bars close at 1:00 am on weekdays,2:00 am on weekends, but most food places shutdown before midnight), also on public holidays nothing is open, the town is practically a ghost town.
Well that’s pretty much it actually, not more i can think of on the negative side.
On the positive side,
1. Get to breathe clean air, pollution is virtually non existent
2. No traffic jams, no overcrowded malls, movie theatres, though bars are packed most weekends
3.For a small town its definitely a technologically advanced town, practically all of freddy falls under the free wifi zone
4.Its safe to walk out on the streets even in the middle of the night, crime is virtually non existent, i think that’s more so because its definitely a white collared town, with only the provincial government and the university being the major entities.
The list of positives is definitely longer, but i have a meeting to attend, so have to run but yes small town life is not all that bad:-)

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