Sep 14, 2005


I think i am turning into an insomniac, i hardly sleep these days esp. if i am drinking!dunno what’s gotten into me, maybe its time for a move,,,,, another city new surroundings, new people, change!, the all important word"change", been too static for my liking, but somehow, i like this quaint, sleepy little town, well whatever destiny brings, i accept!. Other than that, well this week is the harvest jazz and blues, some good music over the weekend and i have the weekend off for a change so hopefully shud be good, wud have been better if a certain someone had come down to visit, been a long time since i have seen some people who have made an impression on my life, and she's one of them. In other news, England retain the ashes after 18 yrs, which was wonderful to watch:-). Also another close friend of mine is getting married, reminds me of how old i am getting and i still have not found the one i am looking for,,,, someday, someday soon, the optimism kicks in,lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am coming down tom sweetie;-),,,,kisses