Aug 15, 2015


As i watch re-runs of M*A*S*H on netflix, i reminisce, a thousand memories flood my mind, these are the same re-runs i grew up watching. I had the good fortune to see Loretta Swit in Shirley Valentine when i first came to Canada, the major was still going strong.

These-days i think about the past a lot, how different my life could have been, had i taken a different road, but circumstances led to me being where i am right now, of course circumstances coupled with indiscretions on my own part.Call it fate or eventuality it is what it is, or maybe i am just going through a mid-life crisis :)

I had an interesting talk with my dad recently, mainly about religion and God. He is a firm believer, and believes it is jesus who will resolve all the problems in our lives, i on the other hand.... well i am who i am, i do not believe in organized religion. That being said i have always respected people who believe and stand up for their faith as long as we are not talking about the crazies who want to wage war on the rest of the world, but normal God fearing people. Well anyway, the talk led me to question myself, is my life the way it is because i do not go to church, i do not pray etc. ?

I thought about it long and hard and i came to the conclusion that, no its not because i do not go to church or have memorized the bible that my life is the way it is, its because i chose to make it the way it is. Life events have influenced my thought process and that is how life is, some have it good, some have it hard!, i fall in the latter category but then then i am among the lucky ones ,there are millions or even billions out there who are worse! and most of them are where they are in life through not their actions, but pure fate!

Anyway that is it i guess for this post, just needed to write something!

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