Sep 30, 2014


Over the years technology has become a necessity rather than a luxury, mobile phones, computers etc. which as recently as 20 years ago were deemed a fancies of the privileged are now common place and dirt cheap.

Of course with phones these-days which are tagged as 'smart' come applications which are also smart, one such being WHATSAPP!, being valued at 19 billion dollars, can you imagine someone wrote an app which made communication easier and its worth an insane amount of money now, i guess 19 billion is in essence a payment for the idea not the app, a cross platform communication device.

Anyway my blog post is not about how over-valued i think whatsapp is or how companies are making acquisitions for ridiculous amounts of money when people die of starvation each day, that is for another place, another time. Rather i want to talk about Sacred Heart High School Class of 93, a whatsapp group which i was added to recently.

Sacred Heart High School Class of 93 was my graduating class, and the idea for the group stemmed from a facebook picture which was posted. An enterprising friend decided to create a group, a whatsapp! group, now that the group has been created, its sole mission is to find every member of that graduating class, no matter where in the world they are, its funny but there is a sense of unity, a sort of oneness within the group, i should know, i am silent member, i rarely chat but i do follow every conversation that takes place and it makes me smile, its good to reminisce, those were after all the good old days!

I wish i could write more, maybe paint a picture or even a caricature of the people in the group,every shade of colour imaginable would fill that picture for that was the class of 93, maybe i will write more, maybe sometime soon!!

Here is to you friends, all of you will always have a special place in my heart!!

Adios for now!! till next time!!  

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