Aug 15, 2011

Long day....

And very tiring as well, just got home about half and hour ago, work, then a drink with friends and some interesting conversations later i am a tired human being,
Also to all my Indian friends out there "Happy Independence Day"! it was on the 15th of this month in 1947 that we became a free country!

I penned a few lines today after a long time, an amateurish attempt at poetry, here goes,,,,
The sky lit up in orange,
The birds chirping, the sun setting,
Memories of a day gone by,
Lucid at times, hazy as the darkness sets in,
The darkness puts a cloak over it all,
Has it been a good day or a bad one
As i await the sun again,and let it happen all over,,,,
To wonder will it be a good day or a bad one....

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