Nov 16, 2011

Some People..

Are very strange, i struggle to understand how they behave,react.... sometimes i think it is me, but then i think about it more and i can conclude quite conclusively that it is not me, i try hard to maintain relationships, friendships,acquaintances, sometimes maybe too hard but i cannot help it, i just want to make sure that i have not inadvertently hurt anyone or disappointed anyone and if i have them i am truly sorry, which i what i try to communicate, maybe my skills are not perfect in that regard and i know i should  not feel bad/guilty but i still do,a crazy paradox,,,, i think i should stop any and all contact with such individuals but oh well, i am who i am and they are who they are!
Among other things, things are starting to settle in life and i think i am getting all mushy again, i think it is that time of the year when you reminisce.... :-)

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