Nov 6, 2011


Its here, not that i tend to grow a beard but thumbs up to all who do!
I have been very very busy of late, too many things on the go, mostly work related and i am still looking forward to that welcome break.
At the end of this month is our annual christmas gala and i think for the first time since i have been in kingston, i will not attend, none of my friends are going and so i thought what is the point, besides, too late to look for a date for that, the last 4 christmas functions have been good, i enjoyed myself in all of those, for the first 2, my long term ex was with me, the third one i went with one of her friends as she was out of the country and the last one i was single so a very good friend came along.But each one was fun,its been four long years here  in kingston and i have been thinking about a move, a move to where is the big question? let me see if i can figure out the answer to that one!
Among other things, we continued our fine run with another win this weekend, slowly but surely the confidence is coming back to where it once was,,,, i hope this team does what no one expects them to do and that is win the league, sometimes when u work hard everything goes your way and that includes the likes of city and united losing consistently, it has not happened yet but there is nothing there to prevent it from happening!

Have a good movember sunday peeps!

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