Oct 28, 2011

Halloween.. and the past

Its almost Halloween, how time flies, i remember a few years back we used to frequent the big Halloween bash in Fredericton which was conducted by the engineering society, it used to be at the farmers market and was 10 dollars all you can drink(i think beer only was the catch?, don't remember quite clearly), but it was a lot of fun and i believe the only time i have ever dressed up for Halloween, reminiscing can be a lot of fun and i am good at it, spending hours lost in thought, smiling, the funny thing is that you(at least me) remember the good things and not necessarily the bad which it seems is washed away by the waves of time and i for one like that!
Contemplation has been on my mind of late, i am 33, but still single, the sense of urgency and the feeling to settle down is as strong as ever, its hard though to meet the right woman, sometimes you make a connection with certain people and you think its for good, but it turns out to be temporary which is frustrating as it happens to me a lot. I have thought long and hard and i think the reason it happens is because i meet similar people, someone in my shoes also grasping, waiting, hoping for something meaningful to happen on the relationship front and when two people in the same shoes meet, then illusions are created which is not a good thing, usually it comes out to the forefront after a short while which is good in a way as hopes and expectations are not built and each can go his or her own separate way but at times it drags on and can be hurtful,,,,
Every day, i hope to meet the one woman who i think is more than an illusion but since we live in a magical world, its more illusions and less reality!

Have a scary Halloween peeps!

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