Jul 10, 2011

Life: The Protagonist

That was going to be the title of the book i was about to pen,
keywords being "about to", i wrote a few pages and then the
inspiration died down, as with anything there needs to be
enough motivation and i guess it was lacking,
Why am i suddenly talking about the book i never wrote?
Because today i was reminded of it in a conversation i had
with my "interesting" oh wait, "very interesting" lady friend,
who never ceases to amaze..

Am I smitten? I'll let you answer that....

Its strange but i have had this blog for over 7 years now but i
rarely post regularly, but of late i have had the urge more so
than ever, the blog is meant to be a channel for me to express
how i feel, with random strangers reading it, i have never
publicised my blog which is why friends do not know about it,but
i told the aforementioned that i keep a blog, why did i do that?
I told some personal stuff as well? i wonder why??

Some questions do not have simple answers i guess?

As shaw put it,
"No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious"

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