Oct 11, 2010

A dreary hello....

i am single now,been for a little while.
A little over three years spent, wasted? i think about it from time to time,sometimes it seems they were, sometimes i think not, afterall there have to be a few good memories? are there? hmmm right now i cannot recall,if there were they seem to be lost in the mist.
Either ways,fact of the matter is,i am single and another chapter in life stands closed.There is a lot of bitterness in me towards the girl and sometimes i wish she would feel the pain that i felt,,maybe even worse,but then thats wishful thinking, life moves on and in a few weeks, i will not even care for that is the circle of life,i am sure i will find someone much better:-), infact on the bright side i have been having a good time, usually after breaking up or coming out from a long term relationship there is a phase of depression, but seems like i am over it already, was depressed maybe a week, but then i started living my life and i am enjoying every moment, met some amazing people already, visited 2 new places and its like a burden has been lited,the air is crisper....
Interesting though that when u look at an old relationship in perspective, u see a lot of things which u could not before, everything seemed perfect when i was in the relationship but now after looking back at it,wow,seems like i was blind to be with the person i was with, she was manipulative,vindictive,selfish,,,, although in the relationship i was made to look like the selfish one, i even believed i was,lol.
Here we have a liar who tells me something,tells her friends something else,tells her family something else,,,, in an effort to look good?
Anwyay these things are beyond my comprehension and from what i have written, i guess it is quite clear that the bitterness still exists,its fading, i would have written something a lot harsher a couple of weeks ago but like i said, in a few more weeks i will not even care.
So what would my ideal woman be like? what would be her key qualities?
Kindness,Compassion,someone who understands love,someone who is selfless and above all someone who is not a hypocrite and does not lie!
Wow, some strong words in the post,,,, but then thats the truth and i do believe in karma, so in a way i think i deserved what happened to me(somethings better left unsaid),so i guess what i wrote above applies to me as well, but then the way i look at it, if the relationship was working well, then there should not have been a reason for frustration:-)

Either ways, my writing seems to be going in circles, so i am going to end this post with a quote from GB Shaw
"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one."

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