Apr 16, 2010


Thought i would write some more,had to pick something to write about, so i think i will write about "sport". I have been following Arsenal all season, i have followed them for years, but this season i managed to watch all the games, another year without a trophy, 5 years now,,,, i wonder when the drought will end.
Coming back to sports, i was thinking,a majority of us who follow sports be it football, hockey,baseball,basketball, cricket,,,, anything for that matter, hey even golf, have an attachment, i think we watch any kind of sport, support our team because in our dreary life with frustration all around watching a sport, watching our team win is a way of letting go, its a collective achievement, we make ourelves believe we have achieved something when our team wins, no wonder sports fans are crazy,its our escape which is why when our team loses it is like the end of the world but the crazy thing is, there is always hope,there is always next year and this is where sport wins, hey arsenal might finish 3rd this year maybe 2nd but then there is hope for next year and thats what keeps me going and i am sure many more like me,

1 comment:

Jazminwilss said...

Well nice to read this passage which contain all the national games into it....
Good info about different games...
With Regards