Nov 10, 2006


Over the years I have met different people and each individual has some traits which are unique, but some aspects remain common to one and all, me included. There have been some who were extremely ambitious, loved to thrive on self accolades and bask in the spotlight, others very practical, some too lazy or lacking ambition, some who just wanted to be like the ambitious and successful ones but were not there yet, yet others with nothing but dreams, waiting for them to be realized one day. Of all the people I have known over the years, myself included, I have noted one thing in common, we all survive for ourselves, we are all selfish beings but then again that’s human nature, we have to put ourselves first to survive. This brings me to the question of what a selfless person would truly be like. He/she who puts others before himself/herself? Does such a person exist; history has given many examples of people who are categorized as being selfless, Mother Teresa being one example that comes to mind immediately. But then was Mother Teresa truly selfless? Being a devout Christian she was trying to be a good human being, a good Christian, but why? Because her religion said so, because that is what God wanted her to do, wasn’t she a good person because God wanted her to be, her religion wanted her to be? but the good deeds apart, that brings us to the same question wasn’t she doing it for herself, maybe not on a materialistic level but rather more on a spiritual level. You do something nice for someone, feed a hungry person, give shelter to the homeless, help someone in need, you get satisfaction that you did something good, it makes you feel happy,,,, don’t you do it because you want to feel happy? Everything we do finds its way back to us one way or another....

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